Learning Centre Floor Plan Design
I designed a learning center floor plan based on the topic 'Water Cycle', targetted for K2 children. I included a variety of activities such as experiment corner, gallery walk, reading corner with fun and interactive materials. From this exercise, I learnt to create activties for small group of children which were less teacher directed, suitable and engaging.
Field Trip Plan
My group members and I planned a field trip targetted for children aged 5 years old to SEA AQUARIUM. We planned pre-field trip activity, the onsite activity and the post activity to connect children's thoughts and learning progressively. We also created a benefit-risk assement to ensure a safe field trip for children. This excerise allowed me to be detailed in my preparation for the field trip activities, enahancing my organisational skills by researching and recee the location. Moreover, ensuring that safety is the primary cocern for children too.
Disovery of the World

2 week Integrated Curriculum Unit Plan
My group and I created a 2 week integrated curriculum unit plan for whole class and small group based on the topic 'Malay Cuisines'. We integrated atleast 2 learning areas in all activities. We were able to demonstrate the importance of nuturing the holistic development of children through integrating learning areas, learning goals and key knowledge. skills and disposition. From this exercise, I learnt to narrow down topics and research on the possible categories of the topic to fullfill the 2 week plan and also connect children's thoughts and learning from one lesson to another progressively using the Awareness, Exploration, Acquisition and Application Cycle.
Curriculum Planning and Implementation

Treasure Toy
I created an infant resource by crtically analysing the aspects of 6 - 12 months infants. Therefore, I decided to focus on Piaget's Theory of Object Permanence while deisigning the resource. I stitched the resource to ensure the safety of it. From this exercise, I was able to be creative in designing a resource which focused on object permanence.

Classroom Floor Plan Design
I created an infant toddler floor plan by allocating the different activities and resources according to wet, dry, entry, messy, active and quiet spaces using the classroom layout given. I substantiated the floor plan with Crowther's Principles and PITC Key aspects of toddler learning environment using my critical analytical skills. From this exercise, I practiced my deisigning skills to provide a visualisation of the items and movement of space in the layout.
Effective Learning Environment

Play Experience
My group and I created a play experience plan for children age 6 years. We created a sensory play activity and a floor maze activity. From this exercise, I was able to design activities which were based on 2 characteristics of play such as process oriented and activeness.

Web Research
I did a web research on Inchiban Montessori Centre and compared it with my Practicum centre which was Sunflower Preschool. I examined the similarities and differences between these two preschools by understanding their philosophies and beliefs. From this exercise, I was able to cross refer and analysed how different schools translate their values and beliefs into their curriculum.
Principles and Practices in Early Education
Assessment and Differentiated Instructions
Video showcasing implementation of the differentiated game
Differentiated Game
My group members and I meta anlysed 4 children and concluded to design a modifed version of the ludo game. From our meta analysis, we concluded to focus on both social emotional and cognitive development. We provided different differentiated strategies to our modified version to cater to the needs of the 4 children. We were able to design this by using the Assessment, Plan, Implementation and Evaluation Cycle. Therefore, from this exercise, I was able to use observational skills to observe all the focused children, used my analytical skills to analyse the 4 children and used my problem solving skills to come to a conlusion of modifying the ludo game.